Reading Plus is a reading intervention program that helps students grades 3-12 enhance their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and silent reading fluency through individualized instruction. Following their placement test, students are accorded a skill level and are provided with personalized reading practice and adaptive instruction. Students can also select their own reading materials thus helping them develop confidence and nurture a passion for reading.
As students engage with reading materials and activities, Reading Plus collects analytics about their performance and reading progress. Teachers can access these actionable reports, learn about students reading performance, and identify their comprehension strengths and weaknesses, and offer skill-building resources for remediation.
How does reading Plus work?
Reading Plus provides an integrated reading program that consists of three main components: adaptive assessment, personalized instruction and practice, and teaching resources.
1- Adaptive Assessment
Reading Plus employs InSight which is a program that helps assess students reading proficiency in a number of key areas including silent reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. It also includes criteria to assess students reading motivation. Based on assessment data, Reading Plus places students at the appropriate level and provides customized instructional and assessment materials for each student.
Reading Plus offers various analytic reports. For instance, the Benchmark Report allows teachers to ‘monitor students progress over time and determine how Reading Plus impact their growth’ and performance. Likewise, the Project Growth Report offers predictions about students growth over time. ‘The report enables educators to identify students who are on track to reach their end-of-year goals, and inform decisions about how to support students who are at risk of not reaching their goals’.
Reading Plus actionable reports are available for both individual students and for the entire class. The Class Skill Summary Report helps teachers identify ‘class-wide trends and needs’ while Student Skill Support Report focuses on individual students providing teachers with analytic data about the comprehension skills of each student, data which can be used to inform supplemental skill-building instruction.
2- Personalized instruction
As students work on their reading materials, Reading Plus learns more about their proficiency and provides them with individualized scaffolding to help them develop their reading skills and become independent readers. Students can choose among a wide variety of reading materials that help them build their knowledge and vocabulary across different academic areas such as literature, STEM, SEL, and more.
Students build their vocabulary using various activities including matching words with their synonyms, completing sentences with members of its word family, selecting proper sentence usage, and more. There are also activities that help students develop their visual skills such as the Flash and Scan activity which aim to enhance students ability to recognize common letter clusters in text and move fluently through text.
Besides comprehension questions which accompany with every text, students are also provided with ‘comprehension-based writing prompts’ whose goal is to ‘ensure students become attentive readers who read closely, interpret text responsibly and rigorously, cite evidence accurately, and reflect deeply on a textโs meaning.’ย
Related: Newsela provides tons of leveled reading materials for students
Reading Plus Guided Window is another great feature that helps improve students reading fluency. Guided Window, as shown in the video below, provides students with a clutter-free reading environment directing their attention exclusively to the highlighted text in the screen. Guided Window adapts to students reading rate and moves in accordance with their reading rate.
3- Teaching resources
Reading Plus offers a huge library of resources to support differentiated teaching. These include Skills Coach (i.e., animated lessons to improve students comprehension skills), printable skill practice worksheets (features practice activities to help students master specific reading skills), graphic organizers (include skill-based visuals for comparing and contrasting, character analysis, plot outlining, etc), skill-based writing prompts (seek to improve students comprehension skills), ready-to use 20 to 30 minutes lesson plans, professional development resources, and many more.
How much does Reading Plus cost?
Reading Plus programs provide a 12 month subscription and offer a 72-hour money back. Reading programs costs $175 for first students, each additional student is $110. Math Program costs $75 for each student.
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